How do I print multiple PowerPoint slides on one piece of paper?


The process for printing multiple PowerPoint slides on one page of paper depends on if you have access to the file you'd like to print in the original PowerPoint format or in a different format like PDF. PowerPoint formats will have .ppt on the end of the file name. The following are the steps for printing multiple slides on one piece of paper for PowerPoint files and for PDF files. 

PowerPoint files:

  1. Open the file (make sure it opens in PowerPoint)
  2. If the file is in Protected View, you will have to click on Enable Editing before you can print
  3. Click File
  4. Click Print
  5. In Settings, click on Full Page Slides and then select the layout you would prefer
  6. Click Print


PDF files:

  1. Open your PDF file in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat (If Adobe is not the default application to read PDFs, you may have to download the file and then open it up on your computer).
  2. Click File,
  3. Click Print
  4. In the dialog box that pops up, under Page Sizing & Handling, click on Multiple
  5. The default layout will be 2 by 2 but you can change the numbers to get the layout you prefer.
  6. Click Print



  • Last Updated Sep 08, 2023
  • Views 15688
  • Answered By Librarian

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